As a global leader in affordable but quality grinding machine technology, Profimach offers an extensive lineup of high-performance surface, universal, cylindrical, centerless, centergrind, camshaft, and crankshaft grinding machines.
Originally designed for high-production automotive manufacturing, our grinders excel in the most demanding applications and are available at very reasonable budgets.
Profimach® Grinding Machines
High quality affordable grinding machines
These high precision grinders have been specially developed and improved in recent years.
All essential castings are made of high grade of cast iron that is stress relieved through annealing to eliminate internal stress. With the greatest stiffness and stability of the castings, these machines are suitable for precision surface grinding.
These grinders are offered with twofull-year limited warranty for mechanical and electrical parts.
Profimach® Surface grinding Machines
Surface Grinders Range With Rectangular Table
High quality affordable surface grinding machines with Rectangular table
PGS Series : Saddle type Surface grinder
Grinding Width : 200 ~ 400 mm
PSGO Series : Over-arm type Surface grinder
Grinding Width : 350 ~ 700 mm
PGSC Series: Moving Column Type Surface grinder
Grinding Width : 500 ~ 1000 mm
PGSB Series : Bridge Type Surface Grinder - Double column Surface grinder
Grinding Width : 1500 ~ 2400 mm
PGSG Series : Gantry type Surface Grinder
Grinding Width : 1500 ~ 4000 mm (optional wider)
Surface Grinders Range With Round Table
High quality affordable surface grinding machines with Round Table
PGVRV-Series : Rotary Table Surface Grinders with Vertical spindle
Rotary magnetic table from 750 mm till 2250mm - Segmented vertical Grinding Stone

PGVRV-CNC Series : Rotary table Type Surface grinders
PGVRH-Series : Rotary Table Surface Grinders with Horizontal spindle
PGSRC Series : Rotary table Column Type Surface grinders
PGVRI Series : Rotary table Vertical spindle Internal grinder
PGCV-1200-CNC Series Vertical combined OD-ID Cylindrical grinder
OD grinding - ID grinding - Front grinding
Profimach® Cylindrical grinding Machines
PGC - Cylindrical Grinding Machines
High quality affordable cylindrical grinding machines

OD Cylindrical grinder
PGC Series

Universal OD-ID cylindrical grinder
PGCU Series

Crankshaft grinder
PGCC Series

PGCR Series
Profimach® CNC Cylindrical grinding Machines
PGC-CNC - CNC Cylindrical Grinding Machines
High quality affordable CNC Cylindrical grinding machines

Universal OD-ID cylindrical grinder
CNC Rollgrinder
PGCV-1200-CNC Series Vertical Cylindrical grinder
OD grinding - ID grinding - Front grinding
Profimach® Cylindrical internal grinding Machines - Deep hole grinding Machines
PGCI- Internal Cylindrical Grinding Machines
Deep hole internal grinding machines

ID Cylindrical grinder
PGCI - Deep hole grinder

Universal OD-ID cylindrical grinder
PGCU Series
PGC-C - Centerless Grinding Machines
High quality affordable centerless grinding machines
NC Centerless Grinding Machines
PGC-C-NC Series
Centerless grinding Machine
PGC Series
Centre hole Grinders Range - Centre cone grinders
High quality affordable Center hole and center cone grinding machines
Manual Centerhole Grinding Machine
M Series
Universal conventional Tool, Cutter and drill grinder
Manual- Semi automatic Ultra- flexible tool grinder
Profimach Universal grinder with Video-camera
High precision camera
Big diameter Drill grinder
Profimach Drill grinder PG52-DG
Big diameter Drill Grinder
Profimach Drill Grinder PG80-DG
Big diameter Drill Grinder
Profigrind PG-BPX Series CNC tool grinder
Profigrind PG-BPX4/PG-BPX4C Four-Axis CNC tool grinder
PG-GDX CNC Hob Grinding Machine
CNC Hob Grinding machine
PG-GDX4 CNC Hob Grinding Machine
4-axis CNC Hob Grinding Machine
Profimach® PG-CBPG-175
Carbide Blank pre-grinding and grinding Machines
Carbide Blank pre-grinding and grinding Machines
Profimach® PG-CBPG-175 Series
Sink Welding Seam grinding machine
Full CNC Pregrinding and finish grinding of Sink welding seam in one setup
NC Sink Welding Seam grinding machine
Automatic Grinding of Sink seam welds